Tuesday, December 02, 2008

I am thankful...

...for my family! We had such a fun long weekend. Having Chad off for 4 days with Dawson and I was so nice. Thanksgiving day was spent at home with just the 3 of us. We slept in, watched the Macy's parade and then football all day. In the meantime, Dawson and I decorated the Christmas tree. He loves it so much with all the lights and sparkly ornaments! I made us a Thanksgiving dinner but instead of doing a big turkey for just the 2 of us I made a turkey and stuffing meatloaf. Sounds a little different I know, but it was delicious!! I highly recommend going to rachaelray.com for the recipe. :) I strapped Dawson in the Baby Bjorn, that seemed to be the easiest way for him to "help" me decorate the tree.
Friday we braved the malls and did a little Christmas shopping. Nothing crazy early, Dawson woke up about 7:30 so we got there shortly after that. I'm not really sure why we decided to go on the busiest day of the year, I think part of it was the Holidays came so fast this year that I didn't feel ready for them or in the spirit yet. So I thought that would maybe help...and it did! Then to top it off we dropped Dawson off at Great Grandma Hope's and went to see the movie "Four Christmases".
Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family. My parents hosted and everything was wonderful and delicious as usual. Some of the family had not met Dawson in person yet so that was fun to see. It was really cute to watch the Great Grandma's with him, they love him so much and it was hilarious hearing them each "offer" to take Dawson while the other grabs a drink or snack. :) I love the picture below of them all!

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