Sunday, April 05, 2009

Dawson's First Haircut

I can't believe I didn't take a before and after picture. But as many of you know, Dawson had a crazy long lock of hair that would curl around the cowlick on the back of his head. No matter how hard I tried to comb it forward it always managed to curl back around. Not to mention when we would throw Dawson up and down in the air it would float up and down with him. Of course I was hesitant to give my sweet boy a haircut when he's not even 8 months old but I knew he was in good hands with Aunt Lynn. We didn't cut much, just the "curl" (perfect for his baby book) and we took a little off the top just trying to tame some of the long stragglers. Luckily Dawson was distracted by cousin Aiden so he did great!
How does it look?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Christen, you've been so busy! You might want to ask Jackie about Love & Logic. Dan & Jackie took parenting classes together that used those books. I think it is a Jim Faye program. Anyhow, they might have passed them on long ago, but you never know. Take care.