Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Eleven Months!

Dawson is 11 months old today! Wow, only one more month to go and he's not such a "baby" anymore! Sad! Where did the time go? As busy as he is , he's so much fun. He always wants to play and discover new things. I love the look he gets when he figures something out, like how to unroll the toilet paper roll or pull food off the lower shelves of the fridge-he's so proud of himself. He loves to be chased, he'll look back with this big ol' smile then take off down the hallway. He's always talking and although I'm not sure if I believe it yet, Chad claims Dawson said "mama" when they were in the car...of course I was not there! That breaks my heart to think I might have missed the first time but he did say "ma" today just once. He is eating a lot more solids now. I still give him his rice cereal for breakfast and yogurt or applesauce with a spoon but just about everything else is cut into pieces so he can do it himself. Lately his dinner's have been consisting of peas, beans, peaches & pears. He's still nowhere close to walking. I think he's gotten lazy since he can get around crawling so well that he doesn't seem interested in taking actual steps. He occassionally will stand up and balance on his own very quickly before he drops back on his butt. We'll see if he surprises us all and reaches the walking milestone on his first birthday with all the excitement like I did...but don't count on it. Here is Dawson's posed 11 month picture. Brace yourself, it's hard to believe how big of a boy he looks!!

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