Grady turned 9 months on the 24th. Hard to believe in just a few short months my sweet baby boy will be one!
Right now Grady's favorite toy (besides anything of Dawson's) is this blow up toy from Uncle Shane & Auntie Lynn. He bats it around like crazy and thinks it's hilarious to look through it.
Oh, and did I mention Grady's crawling now? He started on January 3 which basically means I've barely sat down for the last 3 weeks. And yes, he quickly figured out how to climb stairs as well.
The greatest thing I have to say right now is we are a happy household!! Grady is finally sleeping...a lot! He's getting between 11-13 hours a night and taking two solid naps which means he's a happy baby, I'm a happy mama and in return that makes Dawson & Chad happier too.
Grady is also starting to be more accepting of solid foods, his favorites are carrots and bananas. We tried peas today and that didn't go so well...but really, who does like peas?
It's been so fun watching Grady's personality develop and grow every day. Him & Dawson are going to be the best of buds and they can not seem to get enough of each other. Now we just need to work on them not stealing each other's toys all day long!
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