Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Day in Federal Way

We went to a World Sand Sculpting Competition over the weekend. I had heard about it on the news and thought it might be kind of fun. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting...mainly because it was just in a big empty parking lot, but it was amazing to see what people were able to create from a pile of sand.
The is the only one we saw in progress, the rest had already been completed in the week.
There were a lot of them but here are a few of our favorites: Look at the detail in the Indian's face - amazing!
This sweet face melts my heart!
Afterwards we had no idea what else there was to do in Federal Way but luckily someone pointed us to a beach. We walked out on the pier and watched people fish.
Of course Dawson couldn't just "look" at the water, he had to test it out. Notice in the following pictures the outfit change. To no surprise Dawson ended up soaked head to toe.
There was a playground right up the street that we stopped at to play before packing back into the car.
In this picture Dawson is telling me to turn the camera "off". Do you think he's finally sick of all my constant picture taking? :)
We took Kate's recommendation on the way home and stopped for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. I haven't been to one in years and forgot how fun of a restaurant it is! Dawson was a little hesitant at first, it could have been the chomping alligator out front or the snake hissing above him but he did LOVE the huge fish tank.
We got seated at a great table right next to this water feature - a great distraction for Dawson and Grady.Every so often the restaurant has a "storm" and the lights flicker and apes near our table danced...Dawson was so quick to grab onto Daddy!
Daddy & Grady monkeying around.
Mmmm...the food was delicious.
Despite it being way past bedtime, Dawson was so good and our day in Federal Way was a huge success!

1 comment:

Peter and Lesha said...

what a fun family day, i used to live there and had no idea about all the fun that could be had there:) never been their for dinner either but heard it is fun. I love your cute family.